In April 2007 Hugh Stevenson, Chairman of Equitas, wrote to Reinsured Names confirming that Phase 1 of the reinsurance transaction with National Indemnity Company had been completed. Further details of the transaction can be found in the Information Document.
Following completion of Phase 1, the Board of Equitas Reinsurance Limited approved the payment of a return premium totalling £50 million.
If you have not received your payment please contact us a soon as possible.Please note the following:
When making your enquiry please supply Lloyd’s membership number, full name and address details
In the case of deceased Names we need to have sight of a sealed office copy of the grant of probate or letters of administration issued by the Principal Probate Registry or a District Registry in England or Wales. In the case of non-UK estates we will accept an official copy of the document appointing the executor or similar office holder.
If you are unable to produce any of these documents we will accept a letter from a solicitor (lawyer/attorney) confirming the details of the executor(s).
Please note that where a Reinsured Name has died unless instructed otherwise we will make the cheque payable to 'the executors' of the estate. If that is not acceptable (for example because there is no longer an executors' account) please provide a written instruction from one or more of the executors or from the executors' solicitor, lawyer or attorney as to whom the cheque should be payable.
Please note that we can only issue a single cheque, in Sterling, in respect of one single return premium entitlement.